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Progress indicator

The following page documents visual specifications such as color, typography, structure, and size.


A progress indicator step may be complete, current, or not started. The following table describes the color tokens used for each of these states.

ElementPropertyColor token
Complete iconfill
Current iconfill
Not started iconfill
Active step linebackground-color
Inactive step linebackground-color
Labeltext color
Helper texttext color

* Denotes a contextual color token that will change values based on the layer it is placed on.

Examples of current, completed, and future steps for progress indicator

Examples of completed, current, and future steps for progress indicator

Interactive states

ElementPropertyColor token
Step: focusborder
Label: hovertext color
Icon: errorfill
Icon: disabledfill
Examples of focus, hover, error, and disabled states for progress indicator

Examples of focus, hover, error, and disabled states for progress indicator


Labels should be one to two words only, with a limit of 16 characters total per label. All labels should be set in sentence case.

ElementFont-size (px/rem)Font-weightType token
Label14 / 0.875Regular / 400
Helper text12 / 0.75Regular / 400


All icons can be found in the icons library.

ElementPropertypx / remSpacing token
Stepmin-width128 / 8–
Iconheight, width16 / 1–
margin-top, margin-right16 / 1
Labelmargin-top16 / 1
Structure and spacing for progress indicator

Structure and spacing measurements for progress indicator | px / rem


Help us improve this component by providing feedback, asking questions, and leaving any other comments on GitHub.