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Menu buttons

The following page documents visual specifications such as color, typography, structure, and size.


Enabled and interactive states of menu buttons follow the button style guidelines. Menu buttons can use primary, tertiary, or ghost buttons. Combo buttons can only use a primary button. Overflow menu can only use a ghost button.

The menu used in menu buttons should follow the menu style.

Menu button variants

Example of menu button using three different types of buttons

Combo button color

Combo button

Example of a combo button using a primary button

Overflow menu color

Overflow menu

Overflow menu appears as a ghost button when closed and once it opens the color changes to the correct $layer color token to match the menu.


ElementFont-size (px/rem)Font-weightType token
Button text14 / 0.875Regular / 400$body-compact-01
Menu option text14 / 0.875Regular / 400$body-compact-01


The structure of menu buttons should follow the button style guidelines.

Menu button structure

Menu button in default width (left) and menu button in fluid width (right)

Combo button

Combo button structure

Combo button in default width (left) and menu button in fluid width (right)


There are three button sizes: small, medium, and large.

ElementsSizeHeight (px/rem)
ButtonSmall (sm)32 / 2
Medium (md)40 / 2.5
Large (lg)48 / 3
Menu button sizes


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